"Struggle is the father of all things.It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle."
- Adolf Hitler.
Grab a newspaper or tune into a news channel and you will find how true the above quotation is.An Indian shot dead in the U.S, a gurudwara attacked by armed men in Vienna,racist attacks on Indian students in Australia,an Indian cab driver attacked somewhere else......... - these are some of the daily news wnich we Indians just read and very conveniantly forget.
I urge all Indians to just think what would have happened if such attacks were carried out against U.S or Chinese citizens.In the case of such an attack you would see the United Nations overreactting & going blah! blah! over the whole issue,world peace being risked & you could even find scud missiles streaming above your head to avenge the attacks on their citizens.This argument is supported by the recent actions of the U.S in Afghanistan, Iraq, nuke issue of N.Korea & China extending its influence in South Asia.But what has India done even after collecting ample proof aginst Pakistan in the Mumbai attack case, the masterminds of the attack are still sitting comfortablly in their homes enjoying their success.India needs the permission of the U.N to take any step against Pakistan, India follows the principle of non violence & supports world peace.But have we not suffered a lot by following these principles which no other nation even cares to look at??? as a result of our such non-aggressive policies we were ruled by the British for over a 100 years, now we are counted among on of the most unsafe countries in the world (many eyebrows were raised by the foreign players on the security when IPL-2 was initially planned to be held in India) & our cities & citizens are attacked without any fear of retalliation.It is high time that India becomes more aggressive in its foreign policies & security issues.The U.S.A did not require anyone's permission to attack & indiscriminately kill & brutally murder thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan & Iraq, all this just to protect their citizens from Osama-bin-Laden, Saddam Hussein & the terror network that they control.

The gruesome, targeted attacks on Indian students are awful.It is the sheer irresponsibility & arrogance on the part of the Australian government & authorities that such a brutal racial attack has been carried out even after complaints against such attacks were lodged in the recent past.And the most shamefull part is that the Australian government is still not accepting that these were racial attacks & have not taken any significant steps to avoid such incidents in the future & ensure the safety of the Indians living there.It was irresponsible on the part of the Australian Deputy Commissioner of Police Kieran Walshe to declare that there was no evidence of the attacks being racist(only if he really wants the culprits to be behind bars,he can find the evidence.I dont think he really wants it).
There have been recent reports that the Victorian police was using excessive force against the Indian students who were indulged in peaceful protests.Such heinous & condemnable acts by the Australian police suggests that the authorities there are not at all interested in the safety of the Indians & are in a way helping the culprits.The National Union of Students has condemned the Victorian police for their excessive use of force against Indian International and local students staging a protest.
It is high time that India sheds its non-aggressive image and takes steps to ensure that such violent acts against the Indians are nipped in the bud.